Thursday, December 10, 2009

On the Road Again


It's good to be here. We are back from our return to the North Shore this past weekend. Our first full on snow of the year came during the trip to Kitty O'Shea's on Saturday 12.5.09. It was good to have Colin back from Southeast Asia after his month long hiatus. We thought we might be a spot rusty, but we were hitting right from the top. As the snow continued to fall, the room filled up. The whole night was a wicked blast, kid. This show was the perfect primer for the busy winter schedule we have ahead of us. Everything was relaxed, from our early arrival when we were able to chill out and write a setlist over a few pints and some delicious Kitty's pub fare, to a casual breakdown at the end of the night with no meathead bouncers rushing us out the door. We trekked home safely to the city in the early morning, but before we hit the road, Mike had some enlightening thoughts to share (see the video below).

"The life I love is playing music with my friends, and I can't wait to get on the road again."



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