After the
Boulder, CO show, we had to hit the road immediately if Mike and I wanted to make work on Monday morning.
We pulled out of Boulder and made serious tracks eastward.
Everyone put in some solid driving legs during this haul.
We stopped only for gas, and then again when we got far enough east to find the first Dunkin’ Donuts... what a moment!

Cruisin' home... somewhere in Iowa?
We pulled into Lancaster, PA around 10am today. We parted ways with Derek, and trekked back up to Boston. Rolling into Boston it was Colin, Foss and me in one car and Mike and Max in the other. We pulled off the Pike over by Allston, and it was a picture perfect afternoon in the Commonwealth. I started to reflect on the whirlwind experience I just had… all the great people we met, all the beautiful sights we saw, and just the vastness our country as a whole. It was something.

Another Illinois sunset to bookend the tour
We hooked a right onto Memorial Drive and cruised along the Charles with the windows down and the sun in our faces. I looked around at the familiar turf surrounding us and a big smile came to my face. I looked over at my comrades and we all had the same expression going. We were home and it felt perfect. hi8us is a Boston band to the core.
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