Our next show was a Wednesday in Roanoke, VA with a band called Triscale. We hit the road for the trek from NC to VA. I think I slept the whole time, but believe it was a short ride. We were playing at a club called Martin’s Downtown and got there just round suppah time. Everyone at the club was cool. It was kind of a slow night, but during our second set the crowd picked up, and a few people got all into it….which can make even a slow night a good one.

Triscale was real cool as well. I remember having a really good burger at Martin’s, but honestly forget if where we stayed that night, or if we just drove through. On our way out of Roanoke, we saw Glen Danzig’s tour bus at another local club. We had a short friendly exchange with some of Glen’s crew. Badass!
We had the next day off and decided to make tracks towards Pennsylvania to find a good spot to enjoy the down time. We ended up in at a state park in southern PA where we had our pick of the sites. Bud, the campground host, was very nice but showed signs of having cabin fever. We exchanged a few stories, and he seemed to like us. Before evening, all the guys dispersed into the woods to gather firewood for the night. Everyone did a great job gathering many logs and branches, but as usual, Keyboard Mike ended up gathering the most wood; ) As night came, we had a good fire going, and Foss, our manager/road bartender expertly mixed drinks for the band. Keyboard Mike and I collaborated on Ukulele/Egg shaker renditions of some of our favorite songs, and I made gorgonzola/garlic/onion burgers.

This off day in our lil tour itinerary was a great break in the action. Everyone got a chance to relax and enjoy being in the woods. Friday morning when we woke up, Max got to it with another great breakfast before our departure. We made another small fire, and Bud was sure to come visit us again multiple times with extra scraps of wood as an offering. We eventually got our act together and split for Coatesville, PA and Osyrusfest 2011.
The preparation of this tour caused me quite a lot of questions, but the fact that everything went so easily and well is a pretty good indicator.
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