The long overnight drive through the Nevada desert in comfy confines of Precious was excellent. Despite our lack of sleep, we pulled together as a crew and were able to arrive in Park City with some time to spare Thursday morning. We holed up at our favorite Utah man-made reservoir within Jordanelle State Park outside Park City for some day-time shut eye. The ride through the desert was predominantly quiet and flat. The desert sky at night is like nothing you get on the east coast. The lack of ambient light in any direction makes those stars pop out a little brighter. Travelly was popular during this leg, and some of us were even able to log some solid sleep. By the time we all resurfaced on Thursday afternoon, we were ready to play some more music, and connect with our local friends before the gig.

My buddy Dave is one of my oldest and truest friends. I have been through it all with him. We met in high school and hit Umass Amherst together as roommates in Baker Hall freshman and sophomore year. Before that Dave and his all-star family took me under their wing as a youth and would annually take me skiing at the Loaf on school vacation and to cool weird events like the Bread and Puppet Festival in Glover Vermont every summer. I got exposed to so much culture and awesomeness that I probably would have never even known about if it wasn’t for Dave and his fam. Reconnecting with Dave and his bro Pete is always sweet. They are those friends you have that you see after a long time, and can pick up with right where you left off. Dave and Pete brought their local posse to the The Spur for our Thursday night spot. Pete sat in with us again on the harp, and we all had fun. I finally met Dave’s lady Summer who actually became Dave’s fiancĂ© Summer the weekend after we were in Utah. Congrats to Dave and Summer!

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