After that mindbender weekend in NOLA, and some solid trekking across Texas, by the time our schedule had us in New Mexico, my internal clock and generally well grounded perception of time had been sufficiently spun. Continuous hours of erratic sleeping and extended driving, warp the days of the week into a time casserole of daylight and darkness. Your contact with the world outside of your vehicle becomes limited to the people you run into in those brief moments using highway rest-stops. Mike had a most memorable experience in Santa Rosa during one of these little stops. Ask him about it.

Our next stop was a Cinco de Miyo gig in Santa Fe. We immediately loved this high desert town. Max, our soundguy at the club we were playing, only affirmed the good vibrations we got upon our arrival. He was super friendly and laid back. Max took us for a short tour into the art-rich neighborhoods of Santa Fe showing us key points of interest all along the way. The air was perfect and evening was coming.

As we walked back to the club, the sun was setting on the horizon and I finally started to feel awake and ready to play music.
We opened for a local Santa Fe band called Rubixzu, and had a great crowd for our set on this annual party night. We got great feedback from the crowd, and even had some new fans in the room that had done their hi8us research before hitting the show. That always feels good. As the evening got on, we packed up shop and split to an excellent state park nearby where we planted Precious for the night, and cracked a few cold celebratory beers before turning in.

The next morning was breezy and clear. We got on the road in good time and grabbed coffee at Bad Ass Coffee in Bernalillo, NM. The folks behind the counter were extra good to us. The quality cup-a-joe and friendly attitude were just what we needed before the push to Flagstaff.

The hi8us boys were especially impressed with the ice-coffee built ice cubes that complimented their high end brew. Down the road hours later when I thought I was without a sip of coffee, I looked down at my previously coffee-less cup and noticed my coffee ice cubes had melted into the energy yielding caffeinated goodness that I so desired at that very moment. As I sipped down the remnants of this café innovation, I came to truly realize how incredibly bad ass Bad Ass Coffee actually was. I think coffee ice cubes gave me faith that we are going to be ok. This country was built on innovation. From the industrial revolution all the way to the iPod, our forward thinking has kept us at the forefront of technology. Leonardo Da Vinci said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. I thinking he was referring to the coffee ice cube when he came up with that lil nugget of wisdom. Cheers to that Leo; )
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